Thanks for listening, I appreciate that! :) I'm currently typing this as I'm listening to your TranceStation mix, nicely done! Again, I like the rise in BPM during the entire set. It's something I never dared doing in my mixes, because I feel it won't come out just right, so I always stick with the same BPM throughout the entire mix.
And yes, techno can be a bit tricky to make, just as much as trance is, in my opinion. I've started a techno project about a year ago and still haven't finished it because I seem to not find my way around it...I formerly produced and listened to indie dance A LOT (kinda like what you heard on my Spotify), but trance and techno - been listening to them ever since I can remember, but only got around to actually making trance around 4-5 years ago. It depends a lot on the VSTs as well (Spire is my top choice for now), I believe they can actually make the difference when it comes to music production. That, and practice as well.
I'm sure it'll turn out well for your techno track, wishing you good luck with that! Let us know, here in the forum, when it's ready! :)