After a couple of mid-week mixes we're back with another new episode of The Trance Empire, as Rodman brings you 25 red hot records. New music on the show this week from Ellez Ria, Mike Zaloxx, Nikolauss, Nytigen & Afterus, and Aaron Francesco.
Join Rodman every Saturday on YouTube for The Trance Empire Premiere: 7pm UK, 8pm CET, 11am PST, 1pm CST, 2pm EST
GXD - The Box [AVA]
Glynn Alan - Block [AVA White]
Para X - Meridian [ZYX TRANCE]
Ram - Buenos Aires Angels [Nocturnal Knights Music]
Ellez Ria - Forever Mine [Defcon]
Hidden Tigress, Thomas Lloyd - Faded Whisper [Kinected]
Rino Da Silva, Dj JayCan - Sunsets [Redux]
Tau-Rine, Mike Bound - Great Attractor [High Voltage]
AndrewC - Night Sky [Synchronized]
Mike Zaloxx - Angel [Digital Society]
Ariams VS Arabax Ft Ala - Free (Last Soldier Remix) [Last State]
Tom Vega - Reconnect [Positive State]
TTE Clubber's Choice
Raul Alex I. - In The Mountains [Estrella]
Nikolauss - Magnitude [GO MUSIC]
Abstract Vision, Aimoon - Ultimate Reality [Suanda Music]
Rodman's Hottest Track
NyTiGen & AFTERUS - Free Fall [2 Rock]
Will Atkinson - Seventh Heaven (Alex Di Stefano Remix) [VII]
Bas Van Den Eijken, DJ T.H. - In the Dream [HTE]
Sam Laxton - Innocence [FSOE]
Aaron Francesco - Illuminate [Think Trance]
Carlos Martz meets AXIS-Y - Andromeda [Trance Reserve]
1st in Line, Cris von X - The Light (Darren Porter Mix) [Amsterdam Trance]
Harshil Kamdar - Janma [One Forty Music]
B.E.A.R - Arrakis [Defiant Digital]
TTE Classic Selection
Timo Maas - Der Schieber (Rapid Eye Remix) [48K 2000]
Vote for your favourite track of this week's show as the Clubber's Choice